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Staying Active, Connected and In Charge
Request member support services:
Contact us:
Phone number: 360-331-1971
PO Box 557, Langley, WA 98260

As a member, South Whidey at Home can offer you a variety of services based on your needs and preferences, These may include things like:

  • Transportation to appointments, shopping, errands, educational events.

  • Household support including minor handy-person services, light housekeeping, light gardening,or wood stacking.

  • Personal support including pet walking, social support with a home visit, temporary respite care and help de-cluttering.

  • Technical support for PC's or Mac's and other electronics, bill paying assistance.

  • Referral to professionals (paid by you directly) such as handy-persons, plumbers and electricians when the scope of work is beyond volunteer expertise.

  • Social events, walking opportunities, picnics and more!
We have Call Managers answering the phone Monday-Friday 10:00-2:00 except holidays.

This is aging South Whidbey style! 

SOUTH WHIDBEY AT HOME: Staying active, connected, and in charge
Mission Statement: South Whidbey at Home is a membership-based nonprofit dedicated to helping older (55+) South Whidbey residents remain in their homes and active in the community by providing access to a variety of professional services, volunteer assistance, and social activities. We are committed to improving the well-being of our members by connecting people of all ages in a mutually beneficial way.


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Aging in Place: South Whidbey Style

As we get older, even the most independent of us may find ourselves facing questions like:
  • Who can I call to do the things I can no longer do?
  • How will I get to events in the community that give me purpose and joy?
  • Where will I find new friends and new interests?

SW@Home is a nonprofit program designed to help its members age in place -- South Whidbey style—by helping one another and being helped in return. Through an all-ages network of volunteers and social activities, older Islanders will be able to live independently while staying actively engaged in their community.

Volunteer Services

SW@Home welcomes volunteers of all ages. Volunteers choose their own schedule and areas of interest. Chores may include driving, small home repairs, garden and yard work, help with pets or technology, or making in-person or phone visits.

Thank You to Our Sponsors and Grant Funders

Goosefoot Community Fund

John L. Scott Real Estate

Whidbey Community Foundation

Whidbey Telecom


SW@Home offers Members a chance to broaden their social circles. Whether it’s making new friends or spending time with old ones over wine and cheese; participating in outdoor activities; enjoying movie nights or arts opportunities -- they all lead to a healthier, more vibrant life.

Connect With Us

South Whidbey at Home

Office: 1635 Main Street, Suite A1, Freeland WA 98249
Mail: PO Box 557, Langley WA 98260
Phone: (360) 331-1971